More than 25% of adults have varicose veins and they can develop for a number of different reasons. You may have a higher risk of developing varicose veins if you are a woman, if you’re pregnant, if you are obese, if you are using hormonal replacement or contraception, or you experience prolonged periods of sitting or standing.
Many people wonder if you can prevent varicose veins. A vein doc suggests you cannot reverse varicose veins if you already have them, you can prevent them from getting worse if you live a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few tips to help you reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.
Wear Compression Hosiery
Compression socks can help improve your circulation, preventing your blood valves from allowing blood to flow in the wrong direction. It allows the veins to function properly while also helping to reduce the pain, swelling, and pooling of the blood. If you wear compression hosiery throughout the day, it is likely that you will not experience as many cramps at night. There are a variety of compression levels, depending on your need and how damaged the veins are. Speak to your physician about choosing the best option.
Healthy Living
One of the more common causes of varicose veins is obesity. Varicose veins are caused when there is a higher pressure on the veins, causing the walls and valves to weaken. Obesity will cause higher pressure on the veins and it will aggravate the veins. It’s also important to eat a healthy diet that has enough healthy fats, protein, and complex carbohydrates. It’s also important to consume enough potassium and fiber throughout the day. Hydration is also important to maintain a healthy circulation.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise can be one of the most beneficial treatments to improve your venous health. Walking is a great exercise to keep the blood from pooling in your legs. Yoga is another great exercise that can help stretch the deeper muscles in the hamstrings and calves. The muscles can help the veins work properly. The inversions which place the feet higher than the heart can also help keep the pressure off of your veins. Swimming and cycling are also excellent options to prevent further damage on your veins.
Avoid Long Periods of Standing or Sitting
If you spend most of your day standing or sitting in one position for hours, it will make it more difficult for your veins to get the blood from your legs back to your heart. This causes increased blood pressure throughout your legs. It can even cause your feet and calves to become achy and swollen because the blood is beginning to pool around your ankles and feet. Moving around will help reduce the pressure on your veins while also improving your circulation. If you are a desk jockey, make sure you move while you are sitting with small exercises like stretching your ankles, peddling your feet, or bending your knees.
It’s also important to elevate your feet for fifteen minutes, three times a day. It helps reduce the pressure of gravity on your veins, causing betting circulation and less swelling.
Available Treatment for Varicose Veins
The Metro Vein Centers in Texas, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Michigan are specialized treatment centers that use cutting edge treatments to reverse vein disease. They use Radiofrequency Ablation, Endovenous laser ablation, and ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy. The in-office procedures are often covered by insurance plans, including Medicare. They don’t require more than a few hours of downtime.
Dr. Diana Wilsher is one of the vein doc specialists in the Michigan branch and she has been practicing for the past 18 years. She specializes in venous insufficiency and she completed her residency at the Family Medicine at Garden City Hospital